With leasing, you don't have to pay a large purchase price, but only pay a small amount each month. This leaves you with more money to invest in other things. You don't have to worry about unforeseen costs and you pay an agreed fixed amount per month. With us, you are completely relieved and unburdened with flexible lease or full operational lease.
A company (electric) bicycle can come in quite handy. For example, to avoid traffic jams, get enough exercise every day and do the environment a good service. The employee does not have to buy a bicycle and you know where you stand as employer and employee. We supply Dutch A-quality bicycles; the bicycle will last for years, so it is a good investment.
Our custom build focuses on flexibility and on your choices. You can design your own bike with a color of your choice, your company/organization's logo, accessories, and so on. With this you can advertise your own organization and create a unique identity.
In a personal and extensive conversation we will make an inventory of all your wishes and possibilities.
*A few examples of our custom build bicycles